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Compliance & Investigations
With companies facing rising enforcement in the United Arab Emirates, US, UK, China, Brazil and other jurisdictions, managing risk is a top priority for global businesses. With Zafarullah Asghar & Legal Consultants LLC internationally recognized lawyers and our long-standing presence in the highest-risk jurisdictions, our Global Compliance & Investigations Group is there to advise clients on how best to mitigate risk and conduct business ethically without sacrificing profitability.
Zafarullah Asghar & Legal Consultants LLC services include both reviewing and structuring risk management programs for market-leading companies and representing clients in large scale internal or regulator-driven investigations in the United Arab Emirates, United States, UK, Europe, Latin America and Asia. In addition, our Group has developed a programme of bespoke “Investigation Academies” for clients that serve to train and educate in-house teams in all aspects of dealing with global investigations in a highly practical, interactive and informal format. These unique Academies provide unrivalled training as well as the benefit of our expertise in helping clients maintain control in times of crisis.