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Zafarullah Asghar & Legal Consultants LLC Announces Global Carbon Emissions Reduction Targets

Today Zafarullah Asghar & Legal Consultants LLC announces a plan to significantly reduce its global carbon emissions over the next decade.  The reductions are part of the Firm’s wider sustainability strategy and support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

The Firm commits:

  • To reduce its emissions from energy consumption* by 92% by 2030 (from a 2019 baseline)
  • To develop a strategy and target by 2021 to lower emissions from its business air travel; and
  • To report its emissions with the Carbon Disclosure Project starting in 2020.

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing humanity, it is proper to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, without delay. We are setting targets to drive better environmental performance across our global operations, and to clearly demonstrate our commitment. Climate change is a priority and a concern for many people at our Firm, as well as for our clients and the communities where we do business.  Our various stakeholders want to know that we are part of the solution

Last year, the Firm launched a refreshed global sustainability strategy, centered on the environmental, economic, social and governance issues most material to the Firm as identified by more than 1400 stakeholders.